T-Mobile has announced that it will be launching the BlackBerry Bold 9900 smartphone on August 31. The BlackBerry Bold 990 features BlackBerry OS 7 with a 1.2 GHz processor, single-core Snapdragon CPU, 768MB of memory along with 8GB of storage. and a 24-bit high-res display, Liquid Graphics gives you fluid animations and instant response times.llike other handsets in RIM’s latest lineup features both a touchscreen and a QWERTY keypad for messaging, it can also handle HD video capture via its 5 megapixel camera.
“T-Mobile is excited to add a BlackBerry smartphone to T-Mobile’s best 4G product lineup ever,” said T-Mobile USA VP Andrew Morrison, in a statement. “With the new BlackBerry Bold 9900, we are offering our socially-active and business-minded customers a powerful device with a unique proposition—the pairing of a nationwide 4G network with the mobile communications efficiency that has become synonymous with BlackBerry smartphones.”
What do you think of BlackBerry Bold 9900?
19 August 2011
BlackBerry Bold 9900
Diposting oleh M2M di 2:09 PM
Label: smartphone