9to5 Mac said on Wednesday morning that Apple is planning on releasing new MacBooks and Mac mini's, as well as the ultra-thin Macbook Air. The new MacBook Airs will include Thunderbolt ports, i5 and i7 processor options, and a design with little to no changes from the current models.
"Apple will be releasing four new MacBook Air models. This includes two 11-inch models and two 13-inch models; both screen sizes will come in entry level and upgraded configurations," the report read.
11.6 inch models:
• The base model will include a 1.6 GHz processor, 2 GB of RAM, and 64GB of flash storage.
• The more expensive standard configuration also includes a 1.6 GHz processor but upgrades the RAM to 4GB and the storage space to 128 GB.
• A built to order model will also be available from the online store. This option includes a 1.8 GHz processor (first for an 11.6 inch MacBook Air), 4GB of RAM, and for the first time in an 11.6 inch MacBook Air, 256 GB of flash storage.
13.3 inch models:
• The base standard configuration includes a 1.7 GHz processor, 4GB of RAM, and 128 GB of flash storage
• The more expensive standard configuration also includes a 1.7 GHz processor, 4GB of RAM, but upgrades the storage to 256 GB.
• A built to order option will also be available and this includes a 1.8 GHz chip, 4GB of RAM, and 256 GB of flash storage
So, what do you think for the Macbook Air?